On Monday, July 15th opens the latter section of “Trakia” Motorway from road junction “Zimnitsa” to Karnobat. The Motorway already connects Sofia to Burgas.
On Monday, July 15th , will be opened the latter section of approximately 34 km of “Trakia” Motorway. This is Lot 4.2 – from road junction “Zimnitsa” to Karnobat (from km 291+000 to km 325+280). The project “Completion of “Trakia” Motorway lots 2, 3 and 4” is co-financed by the Cohesion Fund of the European Union and the State budget of the Republic of Bulgaria through the Operational Programme “Transport” 2007-2013.
The overall length of Lot 4 – form Yambol to Karnobat is 49,08 km. On August, 26th last year, was opened the movement on Lot 4.1 – the section from Yambol to road junction Zimnitsa (form km. 276+200 to km. 291+000) facilitate the traffic through “Petolachkata”. The length of the section is about 15 km.
Contractor of the construction installation works is Association JVs “Trakia IV. The contract’ value is 209 646 720,00 BGN with included VAT.
The Author’s supervision is performed by Association JVs “Plan Invest – Plovdivinvest LOT4”. The Contract value is 974 400,00 BGN with included VAT. The Author’s supervision is performed by Association JVs “Viaplan-Burda”, whose contract is for 130 800 BGN with included VAT.
“Trakia Motorway” is part of the Pan European Transport Corridor VІІІ. Its construction is a priority infrastructural project of national and international importance. The total length of the project “Completion of the construction of Trakia Motorway Lots 2, 3 and 4”, financed by OP Transport 2007-2013 is 115 km.The value of the grant is 699 648 287,32 BGN with included VAT. Of them 513 970 279,58 BGN are from the Cohesion Fund of the European Union and 185 678 007,61BGN from the State budget of Republic of Bulgaria.